Once again, we woke up way too late this month, in a puddle of our own bodily fluids in a strange place we had never seen before.
But here we are now!
And to celebrate our survival of yet another month, we bring you BY FAR one of the greatest artists of Art-Pulp, a true professional that words could NEVER do justice. Ladies und Gentleman: The one-and-only Dimitar Bochukov. He owned out Feb 2010 pieces of the month as well, which simply was not enough.
Oh, but it's not over. One of our most recent artists Danelle Malan has a piece called Russel's Friend, and due to the amazing feedback people keep giving it, there could be no other piece of the month.
Unfortunately, we have bitten off too much, and the weight of all our projects is destroying us. For this reason, this month will be pretty slow while we find ways to better manage out time. Please bear with us! Geddit? Sorry.