Date of Birth:
13th November
Materials of Choice:
Pen and paper, computer, heart and soul and a very active imagination...
Goals and Dreams:
I want always the people close to me...especially my children and The One to be happy and fulfilled deep down inside and I would like to help them with that as far as I can....It helps me feel complete., but it’s more about them. I would love to publish a book of poems/short stories one day soon. I’m also striving towards personal happiness and fulfilment...there again that would make it even more possible for me to achieve dream number one...I would also like to influence people to try and see the good in everyone and everything, albeit without being too gullible in life. I would also like to influence people to be more tolerant and less judgemental of people in general and embrace life and everyone and everything with arms and heart and soul wide open...I want those who are close to me to just know and feel completely loved, cherished and respected by me.
What inspires you?:
Life!!! The incredible lightness of being of it, the incredible torment of it....I’m a tortured soul with a happy exuberance....I’m influenced by that and my surroundings...feelings, nature, people ... oh! And of course...the Ancient Ones...but wait....there’s more!!! Mystery, mystique, dejavu....and those secrets shining in everyone and everything in life....and of course by my two beautiful children and my soul mate.
Pink Floyd and Roger Waters, Roger Waters and Pink Floyd. Pink Floyd, once they filled the it is my children and my soul mate and what I have found within....My mother was my heroine and remains a constant angel at my side, though she is no longer with us on Earth...she lives on in my heart and soul....