
Lady Destiny And The 'Mended' Angel

Demi Rose

Blood red roses flourish on the other side of the castle gate
Every day she quietly ponders her destiny and fate
wondering if she could ever again be free
Somehow I just know that she will find the key
to unlock the shackles and the chains
and leave behind the dusty remnants and remains
of that life that holds her back behind the gates and walls
When destiny, that mysterious, unpredictable lady calls
one has to answer , pick up the pieces and get out there to fly again
with nothing to lose, and mended wings, there's everything to gain

On this dark and cloudy night I wrap my cloak around my ancient frame
For long enough this bruised angel has patiently played the waiting game
I send the wily birds ahead to knock on her door
to show her the way, to help her spread her healed wings and soar
I watch from the distance
She puts up no resistance
I see her stop a while by the roses. smiling as she finally breathes in their scent
I watch her fly away into the night with determined intent
I guess it's time for me to move on now and I curtsy to the moon
As I hear notes to songs playing in perfect tune
It's time to move on and help complete someone else's destiny
Lady destiny... lady of inevitable chance for all eternity..

Written: 16.4.2010
Inspired by one of my best friends after seeing a photo of her on facebook that was adjusted by an application on facebook...
it had like a gate in the picture and roses growing outside of it...

Photo concept, styling and make up Natalie
In this pic: Natalie Rose (2008)